To consolidate women’s experiences and efforts of promoting diversity in public participation across East Asia, and to showcase women’s important roles in public affairs and social movements, the 2024 East Asia Gender Equality Forum invites civil society organizations from Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea to share their experiences and insights on three main topics: gender discrimination, the political participation of women and LGBTI+, and women’s active roles in social changes. This forum is expected to serve as a regional platform for open dialogues, through which the participants can be inspired and encouraged, learn from each other, and bring new insight back to their work, as well as build more inclusive societies.
日期 Date | 2024年5月22日(星期三)Wednesday, 22 May 2024 |
時間 Time | 10:00AM-16:35PM (GMT+8) |
地點 Venue | 集思台大會議中心 B1柏拉圖廳 B1, PLATO Room, GIS NTU Convention Center, Taipei 106台北市大安區羅斯福路四段85號 No. 85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan |
大會議程 Agenda | |
時間 | 議程 |
09:30-10:00 | 報到 Registration |
10:00-10:20 | 開幕致詞 Opening Remarks 黃鈴翔 Ms. Sunny Ling-Hsiang Huang
財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會 副執行長
陳剛毅 Mr. Andy Kang-I ChenVice Director, Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development
外交部非政府組織國際事務會 執行長
大合照 Group Photos
Director General, Department of NGO International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan) |
10:20-11:10 | 專題演講 Keynote Address 區域網絡對促進女性公共參與的重要性 The Importance of Regional Network to Boost Women’s Public Participation 講者 Speaker
● Dr. Mihee Hong
韓國婦女基金會 委員 Committee Member, Korea Foundation for Women (KFW) ● Ms. Kozue Sawame 日本女性領導力倡議 總裁 (隸屬費雪家族基金會) President, Japanese Women's Leadership Initiative (JWLI) at the Fish Family Foundation ● 黃長玲 Prof. Chang-Ling Huang 台灣大學政治學系 教授 Professor, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University |
11:10-11:20 | 茶敘 Tea Break |
11:20-12:20 |
座談1 Panel Discussion1
終結性別歧視,提升多元參與Ending Discrimination, Promoting Diversity in Public Space 主持人 Moderator
秦季芳 Ms. Chi-Fang Chin國防大學法律系 兼任講師
行政院性別平等會 委員 Lecturer, Department of Law, Management College, National Defense University Adjunct Lecturer, Law Department, National Defense University Committee Member, Gender Equality Committee, Executive Yuan 講者 Speaker
● Ms. Michiko Kurane 藏根美智子
日本沖繩縣教育委員會 委員 Committee Member, Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education, Japan ● 鄧筑媛 Ms. Joyce Teng 彩虹平權大平台 執行長 Executive Director, Taiwan Equality Campaign ● 葉音均 Ms. Ingrid Yeh 財團法人勵馨社會福利事業基金會 國際事務組組長 Supervisor, International Affairs Department, The Garden of Hope Foundation |
12:20-13:50 | 午餐 Lunch |
13:50-15:05 |
座談2 Panel Discussion2
增進女性權能,讓少數群體進入政治Empowering Women, Bringing Minority into Politics 主持人 Moderator
林靜儀 Dr. Ching-Yi Lin
衛生福利部 次長
第9-10屆立法委員 Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare Former Legislator, ROC (Taiwan) 講者 Speaker
● 覃玉蓉 Ms. Yu-Rung Chyn
婦女新知基金會 祕書長 Secretary-general, Awakening Foundation ● Dr. Akiko Horiba 笹川和平基金會和平建設計畫 資深計畫官 Senior Programme officer, Peacebuilding Programme, Sasakawa Peace Foundation ● Dr. Mari Miura 日本性別平等學院 聯合創辦人 Co-Founder, Academy for Gender Parity ● 沈佩玲 Ms. Pei-Ling Shen 小民參政歐巴桑聯盟 副秘書長 Deputy Secretary-general, Taiwan Obasang Political Equality Party (TOPEP) |
15:05-15:25 | 茶敘 Tea Break |
15:25-16:25 |
座談3 Panel Discussion3
集結女性力量,讓改變成真 Mobilizing Women, Making Changes Happen 主持人 Moderator
郭玲惠 Prof. Ling-Hwei Kuo國立臺北大學法律學系 教授
行政院性別平等會 委員 Professor, Department of Law, National Taipei University Committee Member, Gender Equality Committee, Executive Yuan 講者 Speaker
● Dr. Boksil Lee
韓國性別平等與家庭部 卸任次長 Former Vice Minister ,Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Korea ● 彭渰雯 Prof. Yen-Wen Peng 台灣婦女團體全國聯合會 理事長 President, National Alliance of Taiwan Women's Associations (NATWA) ● 吳心萍 Ms. Hsin-Ping Wu 主婦聯盟環境保護基金會 資深主任 Senior Director, Homemakers United Foundation |
16:25-16:35 | 結語 Conclusion |
16:35 | 閉幕 Closing |
Registration closes on 10 May 2024 for on-site participation, 15 May 2024 for online participation.